Annie Sprinkle in Annie Sprinkle’s Herstory of Porn, is about her own personal experiences within the sex industry. It starts off showing her in the beginning of her career, leading to the middle of her career and the ending of her career. As she stands before an audience, there are seven phases which are illustrated in the sex film and clips that she was in. She went from mainstream pornography and transition herself into a feminist porn star. Sprinkle talked about her experience and her first exposure watching “Deep Throat.” She later starred in numerous porn movies directed and produced by men and wanted to make some of her own, where she is able to give a woman’s point of view. This is when she wrote Deep inside Annie Sprinkle and had become “the two biggest grossing porn films” (Sprinkle 51). After experiencing past co-stars dying from AIDS during her time, she wanted to promote safer sex. Although making a video in promoting safer sex, it had failed in the porn industry because people continue to use unsafe sex. She realized that the porn industry was not about safe sex, rather it was more about the money, “I realized that for the most part, the porn industry wasn’t a community that cared about people, but a business that really only cared about money. I was very disappointed” (Sprinkle 56). Towards the last phase of the “Annie Sprinkle’s Herstory of Porn, she wanted to directed a movie about mermaids, where there are an elder mermaid and a younger one, which would keep the tradition going.

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